My name is Dan Baumann and I am a follower of Jesus.

I was born in Los Angeles, California and grew up there and went to El Camino Junior College transferred to Wheaton College and finished my Bachelor’s in Business. I joined Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and moved to Afghanistan as a volunteer worker for an eye hospital. I worked for five years full-time and four years part-time working as an administrator at that eye hospital helping to the Afghani people.

In 1997, I went on a two week visit into Iran to share about the love of Jesus. My friend and I were arrested on false charges which eventually led to having two death sentences on my life. I was miraculously released after 9 weeks in the prison. I’ve written a book, Imprisoned in Iran, which shares the details of God’s miracle during this part of my life.

In 1998, I moved to Southern Colorado to join a YWAM training center and began working, training, and discipling young people. While I was in Colorado, a friend and I wrote a second book, A Beautiful Way, about walking with Jesus, which openly and simply discusses the issues we face and how Jesus meets us in the midsts of our journey.

In 2007, I moved to Kona, Hawaii, and joined the YWAM training center there to continue my work with discipling young people. Currently I spend over ½ of my year traveling and teaching in YWAM, churches and universities, challenging and encouraging people to run after and fall in love with Jesus. The rest of the year I am at home at our YWAM Base in Kona, Hawaii, working with our Discipleship Training schools. My passion is to see a generation of people discover who Jesus is and help and encourage them to walk with Him in every area of their life.

In January 2015, I published my 3rd book, A Fresh Look at Fear. The Lord spoke to me when I was in my twenties that by the age of 50 I’d have written three books. He is faithful!